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whether in the civil or military service. But we have no thought
of taking up arms against this country. Ours it has been to save
the government from rebellion. This work of our fathers we shall
not destroy. There is not gold enough in all the treasuries
of the nation of the earth to corrupt us, for it is not a question
of money, but of equality of rights.

Let neither white nor Colored Americans seek to deny the
truths of human nature. Soldiers of democracies fight better than
soldiers of autocracies. The same men fight better if in time of
peace they can sell their labor in the open market than if denied
work because of race; fight better if public accommodation in peace
depends on conduct and the price, than if it is denied for color;
fight more eagerly if in peace encouraged by possesion of a free
man’s ballot, than if repressed by its denial; fight with more
heart if in peace they have court protection than if their very race
means possible murder by the mob.

To the national Goverment which calls us all to war, to
our follow Americans of every race variety we would appeal in the
name of fairplay, of justice and humanity. We are all citizens of a
common country.

There is need no longer of subjection of Americans to the
race prejudices of fellow Americans. In the presence of a common
danger and a common obligation, with a war devasting Europe caused
by racial clanishness and racial hatred, under Almighty God, let
the United States of America and the people therof give up race
proscription and persecution at home. Let the door of the
workshop, the school, the college, the civil service, the army,
the navy, the military school, the naval school, now and henceforth
open alike to every citizen of the Republic without regard to race
and without distinction of color. Let the right to travel, to vote,


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