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Women as (something?)

Robin Hood's Grave at Kirklees hall

Of leading romantic characters no one
is more interesting than Robin Hood. If
any faith inscription
on the tombstone, of which we give
a photograph, Robin Hood, the romantic figure of Sherwood Forest, breathed his
last on christmas eve, 1247, having died
at Kirklees Priory, Yorkshire, on the site
of which now stands the beautiful seat of
Sir G. J. Armytage, Bart. The story
goes that he died at the gate house to the
estate, and that through its window he

Column 2: shot his last arrow to decide where he
was to be buried. Little John is said to
have dug his grave on the spot where
the arrow fell. The grave is to be seen
in the ground of Kirklees Hall. It is surrounded
by an iron railing, and bears a
tablet with the following quaint epitaph:-

Hear underneath dis laitl stean
Laz Robert Erl of Huntingtun,
Neer archir ver az e sa geud
An pipl kould im Robin Heud,
Sich utlawz az e an iz men
Vil Ingland nivir si agen.


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