July 1882. Page 30 (seq. 59)




Status: Complete

until we neared the sum-
mit, the sky was delight-
fully clear, the wind was
strong and fresh and our
spirits rose accordingly.
Stunted paper birches, firs
& black spruces were all
we saw now in the shape
of trees, while alpine
plants began to appear
and also those those which
attain a high enough
latitude to dwell at
this high elevation.
Delightful were my sen-
sations on first seeing
the Arenaria groenland-
ica, the Salix cutleri,
a willow, prostrate
an inch or two in height
covered with catkins.

and the Ledum latifolium,
softening with its deli-
cate white clusters of
flowers, the hard and
rugged characters of the
weather beaten rocks.
The sunset was glorious
and there came the new
moon. Within half a mile
of the top we entered a
cloud and we were glad
enough at 8.45 P.M. to
enter the tip-top house.
On the way I gathered and
transfered to my press —
Near the base.
Between half-way & summit,

Salix cutleri
Vaccinium vitis-idaea

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