Status: Complete
{A a aue aue}
Anexcelent recait for a scald take
rocket Leves som callit pot giliflowers .
leues and stamp them and boil it up with
lard tel it coms to a ointment then ani
nt the scalded plase with the ointment
then get som hartstong Leues and Lay the
sunny sid to the cald
If it swels or is starky take chickwed
singrin parsly jui each and a good hanfull shrid
this all to gether and boilit in milk and
water thikit with barly meal or otmel
A rare Medecine for the scurfe in the head and to [.] sevre
the hair from falling off.
the hair from
Take the Juce of Mallows boyled in old Oyle, and apply
to the place.
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