



Status: Complete

How to make couslip wine

Take to every galland of water 2 pound of sugar,
and boyle it well, and strain it well when it hath
boyled half an hour take it of and let it stand till tis
cold then take of cowslips when they are picked, and brused
a little to every galland of water one galland of the
cowslips and put them into the water then take to every
galand of water one ounce of the sorop of sitarn, and
mix with est, and set on work as you do beere when it
has worked tunn it up 20 days botle it up:

To Make Seed Cakes:

Take a pound of Flower very well dryed
by the fire a pound of sugar and a pound of
butter 6 eggs but 3 of the whites 3 spoonfuls of
Rose water and as much Sack, and a peny nutmeg
1 ounce of carraway seeds beat yoer eggs and rose
water and sack then mix yoer sugar and flower and
butter together on a chafindish of Coales untill the
butter is all melted then pour in yoer eggs seeds
& nutmegs beat it very well together then put it
into papers butter yoer papers before you put & it in
& in half an hour or more they will be baked:

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