To macke fine cakes with plums 16
Tacke a pound of butter and a pound of sugar
and beat very well together in a morter an hour
y take a pound of fine flower well dried a
pound of currants well dried by the fire 6 yolks
of eggs but 3 of the whites a little cloves and mace
6 or 7 spoonfuls of Sack mix all these togeth
butt your pans and fill y up strow on sugar
and set y in the oven and let y bake half an hour
A proved recait for the stone:
Take a gallon of new milk of wild time of
Saxifrage of pellitory of the wall of Filapendula
roots of each one handfulls of parsely 2 handfulls 3
oz 4 radish roots sliced & brewsed brewse the herbs
& cut the roots put y all in the milk to infuse one
hole night and the next morning distil them in a rose
water still with a moderate fire:--------------
The way to use it is this:
Take of y water of 6 spoongallon of new milk fulls and as much whi=
=te wine or renish wine a little bit of sugar and some sliced
nutmeg make it bloodwarme when you drink it and fast
two hours after it is good every full and change of the
moon to take it morning and going to be to prevent
sickness & at any time of need requires:-------------
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