Mrs. Phillips receipts
To make Pottage
Take a legg of Boafe a knocle of Veal &
halfe a pound of Bacon a little pepper salt
Cloves & mace & boyle this to a very stif jelly broth
n strain it of & let it stand all night, n scim of
e top fatt & putt e jelly into a scillet & putt
a handfull of Marmajelly, some pallats a little sorrell
& spinage first scalded, 4 spoonfulls of Casehopp &
bals french balls fryed & some upper crust of whi=
=te bread first dryed and n fryed, & a few boyld
turnipps cut yo r bread & turnips like dice & fry m
putt in a piece of somume time & a little grated
bread & if it be not thick enough put in a little
flow r and send it in, but e marmajelly must be
pretty well boyld to be tend before e oth things
goe in & lay a roasted Duck or Chicken in e middle
of e dish, when it goes to table
To Make Mango []
Take e smallest & greenest Mellons you can gett
open m in half, take e meat out of m wash m
& dry wipe m dry, n take ty m up with packthread, putt
m into wat & salt 24 hours, n take m out make
yo pickle with half whitewine vingear & half bear
vinegar scrape ging in e vinegar, then cutt some ging
in small pieces & scald a pound of garlick
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