



Status: Complete


To pEserve Oringes

Take ye best Oringes & grate ym finely not
too deepe, then take out the inside as you grate
ym having watE by you to put ym in, wn they are
all done, put ym out into cleane watE & so let ym
stand for two nights sifting them evening & mor=
=ning, into cleane watE then put ym into a skillet
of cleane watE & let ym boyle till they be half
enough, then you must have another skillet of
cleane watE, & put ym in, wn they are half
boyled enough you may knoe it by a straw
going into ym, you must keep ym close covered all
ye time that they are boyling, then take ym out &
way ymputting to a pound of Oringes a pound
& quartE of Sugar & a pint of watE when you have
boyled yoE Sugar & watE together put in the Oringes
keeping ym covered while you are pEserving but keep
ym often stirred till yoE Sirrup is thick enough

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