To p serve Oringes
Take y
too deepe, then take out the inside as you grate
y having wat by you to put y in, w they are
all done, put y out into cleane wat & so let y
stand for two nights sifting them evening & mor=
=ning, into cleane wat then put y into a skillet
of cleane wat & let y boyle till they be half
enough, then you must have another skillet of
cleane wat , & put y in, w they are half
boyled enough you may knoe it by a straw
going into y , you must keep y close covered all
y time that they are boyling, then take y out &
way y putting to a pound of Oringes a pound
& quart of Sugar & a pint of wat when you have
boyled yo Sugar & wat together put in the Oringes
keeping y covered while you are p serving but keep
y often stirred till yo Sirrup is thick enough
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