



Status: Complete


To cause sleep in a feaver

Take a quart of Clarret Wine 2 pound of Cherr=
ies, Nutmeggs & Cinnamon of each a little a top or two
of Rosemary & bame still these in a cold still &
when you use this water mingle with it a little sirrup of
gillyflowres you may give this to a woman that lyeth in

To Preserve Pippens in slices

Take the greenest Lemmon that you can gett & pare
the greene of it very thin in little pieces & putt
them into water & change it often to take away the
bitterness of it then take six Pippens & paire them
& cutt them in small pieces & boyle them with a little water
until they be soft as pap then strain the juice from
them into a dish then take some of the greenest Pippens
that you can gett paire them something thick then slice them
in round slices pretty thick the round way of the pippen
till ye come to the core always picking out the core as
you see any in the slices making as little whole as you
can in them then put the slices in faire water as you slice them
to keep the couler but before you slice them weight your
pippens weight for weight with Suger then take yoer Suger

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