night, the next morning the sirrup will be something
weaker then boyle boyl the sirrup again to its full
thickness & you may keep them all year, if
you please to have them taste a pleasant taste more
then a naturall pipen putt in one grain of muske &
one drop of Symical oyle of cinnamon & that
will make y taste a more pleasant taste
A Receipt f: the Dropsiottsett(?)
Take a quart
Stick in (?) afternoon, putt y stick about y longth of a (???)
=knife. Scrape y brown barke off, & strip y Green off y
putt y between two Earthen pans all night, y next
morning take: 1: Ounce of y best Ruebarb sliced thin,
& 1: Ounce of Race Ging scrap'd & bruis'd; that it may
hang together by y Strings, scrape & slice a little
Horse Radish roots; & a little soote of Eliea[m?]peina
scrap'd ^ slicd. then take :1: Gallon of [?????] Strong
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