To make a marow pudin
Lay puff past round the brim of your dish then
slice halfe a pound of napels bisket and lay
it in the bottame of your dish then lay on that
the marrow of 2 bones and on that candid orring
and lemon and cittern of each halfe an ounce
a qurter of a pound of raisons and soe many
currence then bete 12 egs with a littil sack
sugar salt cloves mace and cinement put a
quart of creme mix it well to gether and put
it in your dish and bake it
To make a rise flurrendine
boyle halfe a pound of rise very tender and
when it is cold put to it halfe a pound of suet
a pound of Currants a little sack & rosewat r season
it w th cloves maze Cinnament Salt & Sugar a pen=
ny loafe grated 8 eggs half a pint of Creame Candi[...]
Oringe peele Lemon & Siturn of each half an Ounce
then lay a little thin paist in the Bottom of the
dish & mix it togeth r & put it in yo r dish & cover it
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