still, & so colour it red
Good fe ye Cramp
Take ye downe of thistles & sow it in a bag & hang it
about yoe neck
The Plauge water
Take Baume, Mugwort, Red-sage, rosemary, Dragons
Scabious, Betony, Egrimony Pimpernel, veruen, May-weed
Ellecampane take a pd of each of ym, except Rose-mary, of
that two pd, & cut ym, steepe ym all in 14 Quarts of White-wine
& let ym stand 4 or 5 days & when you will still ym wring out
ye herbs wth yoe hands, & still ym, & still ye wine by it self in
a Linbecke
For the yellow Jaundies
Take Strawbery rootes, & the inner peele of a
Barbery tree, & boyle it, in Whitewine posset, & mangle
it with suger, & drink it 5 or 6 times, morning & evening
& it helpeth, - you may boyle a little sallendine in
the Posset if you please for the jaundies
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