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For the Mother Stich

Take a quart of the best white wine and 3
topps of wormwood and one handfull of baume
leaves 20 cornes of white peper bruised all this
being put to gether in an earthen pipkin
cover it close boile it till it come to a
pinte then straine it and drinke it one hal=
fe in the evening goeing to bed and sweate
the other halfe after midnight

A receit for ye Piles

Take ye Blossoms of Sullendine dried & Powderd
& mix it with Hony, & take a little upon ye top of a

To pefume powdes

Take 2 Drams of Benjamin, halph a Dram of
Laudanum=Storax, Calamint 2 Drams, Aloes=wood
halph a Dram, halph a graine of Musk, beate
these very small, & mingle amongst yoe powde

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