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To make the Pectorall roules four the Cough

Take of fine suger 4 ounces, of orice pouder
one dram, of gum Draganth a little dissolved in
Rosewater as much as much shall mix the pouder,
of Muske & Amber grease 2 graines, with the suger
mix all these together & make it into little roules
& bake them in an oven after the bread is drawn & you
may keepe them all the yeare

for the pains of the Back

Take a quarter of Blew Currants the peth of 2
or 4 Oxen, & strip it, 4 or 5 Nutmeggs, & 2 Ounces
of Cinamon beaten fine half a pound of sweet
Butter, 6 yolks of eggs beaten well together
bwteeen to dishes, close them, put it into a close
glass & take the quantity of Nutmegg upon the
point of a knife fasting, or when you go to bed.

To make Oyle of Roses

Take of comxon Oyle 2 pound, Damask rose budds
a pd, cett them infuse 10 days in a peuter bason in
the sun, then straine them out hard, & putt in fresh Rose
budds & infuse them as long as before, if you will
you may it 3 or 4 times, & straine it out hard & keep
it in a glass fore your use it is good for hot & fiery

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