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To make Cynnamon water

Take 5 Gallons of Sack one pound & a half of
Cynnamon bruised, halfe and ounce of Cloves, steepe
this all knight, & in the morning set your pot on with
a soft fire, after it is stilled take one quart of the water
& a quarter of a pound of Leafe Sugar finely beaten &
that will make it plesant

A Drink ot give a Woman that hath a dead Child
within her

Take a handfull of Ditander seeds pound it & straine
it into a little Sack, Beer, or Ale, & if you have noe
Ditander, take as much Looedgs[?] seethe it and straine
it & Let her drink it

To give a woman with Child if her Child be
weak & she cannot feele it

Let her take 4 or 5 drops of the extract of Amber, in
a litte Sack to drink proved, I a moan have
taken any hurt, or by reching that she have the
Flux come downs, or a lust or structing hersellf
in time, she may take the extract above said. This may
be taken in time of Trav[?]ll to helpe forward
the Birth

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