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To Make a Purge & a Vomit Mone

Take a Lemon & cut of the top of it then
take out all the meat of it then take thee
weight of three penee in Saffron & putt
into the rinde of the Lemon, then take the
meat you took out & putt into the Lemon
upon the Saffron, then take the top of the
Lemon & close the Lemon fast, then wrap it
into a paper & rest it in your embers, & when
it is rosted soft, take & putt it into halfe a
pinte of white=wine & lett it steep two
hours then wringe it out & straine it &
drink it & it will give you six or seven
stools 4 or 5 vomits, this is for them that are
faint at stomachs: This is to help digest=

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