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For the swelling of the Amons in
the Throat,

Take Rosemary & dry it to pouder in a
Mortar, then take the pouder of a white Dogs=
turd & mix these two pouders together with hony
spread it on pieces of Leather & lay it on both
sides of the Throast as near the Amons as you can

To make the jelly of Hartshorne

Take one quart of faire water & 2 Ounces
of Hartshorne, finely reasped boyle this together
with a small branch of Rosemary & some
Lemon rinde, & lett it boyle till the Liquor be
halfe wasted, then straine it through a jelly
bagg, & sweeten it will Suger, & a litle Rosewater
& the juice of a Lemoon, & a litle Vinegar as you
shall think good, you may boyle a litle piece
of Cinnamon in it, the Cinnamon being first
laid in Rosewater, & then boyle it altogether, a litle
& straine it againe into glasses & soe use it at
your need

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