How to make
ton plaister e Leaden plaister coled to pollin
take two pounds and four ounces of
oil olive of good red lead one pound white
lead one pound well beaten into dust twelve
ounces of Spanish Sope oncorporate all those
well together in an earthen pot well glased
before you put them to boil and when they
are well incorporated that e sope cometh
upward put upon a smalle fire of coals
continuing e fire for e space of one hour
and half still stirring it with an iron ball
upon e end of a stick then make e fire
somewhat bigger untill e redness be turn
ed into a gray colour but you must not
leave stirring till the matter be turned
into e colour of oil or darker then drop
it upon a wooden trencher and if it cleave
not to e finger it is enough then make
it into roules it will keep twenty years
e older e better
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