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To make a Creame
{A Han}

Take a pinte of very thicke Creame, and then take halfe
a pint of water, and in the Water boile some Coriander seeds
then strain it and put the water into the Creame and so sett
it on the fire, and let it boyle, and when it boiles put in a little
salt and orange in the juice of halfe a Lemmon and stirr
it well together, and when the Creame beginns to turne, take
it from the fire and poure it gently int oa cleane cloth and
tye it up all night that the whey may runne out the next mor:
ing. With a Spoone mash it, and Season it with Sugar and
Rosewater and Ambergreece and dish it & soe serve it on.

To make another
{A Han}

Take a cleane Skillet and rinse it with Vinegar then poure
out the Vinegar and put into the Skillet very thicke Creame
& Set it on the. fire, and keep it stirring till it boiles, and
when it begins to be thicke take it of the fire and sweeten it
with Sugar & put in Rosewater & a little Ambergreece, & so
let it boile again till it be very thicke but never leave stirring
of it all the time. When you see it very thicke take it of
and dish it and so let it stand a day before you cutt it.

To make another
{A Han}

Take very thicke Creame and put to it Some Rosewater &
Sweeten it well with Sugar, then put it into a wide mouthed
glasse and shake it till it begins to be very thicke, then [stir] it
and lay in the top of it some Creame and so serve
it to the table.


To make a Hedg-hogg
{A Han }

Take 3 pints of sweet Creame, and boile in it some Nutmegg and
Mace and when it boiles put in being very well beaten five yolkes
of Eggs white and all, and so stirr it and let it boile and when it
is turned to Curds and whay poure it into a strayner and so hand it
up to drayne for 6 or so houres when the whay is runne all out take
halfe a pound of Almonds blanched and very finely beaten with
Rosewater and temper them with the Curd and Sweeten it well with
Sugar, and put Some Rosewater and Ambergreece into it and soe
make it up in the fashion of a Hedgehogg and put in two Currants
for the Eyes and stick all Almonds all over the back of it, and put it into a Dish and into the Dish put white wine & Sugar.
or raw Creame and serve it to the Table.
{A. fan }

A most excellent Receipt of Veale Jelly

Take a shoulder of Veale, cutt of all the fatt, lay it a soaking in
Spring water a night, then wash it in warm spring water, cutt out all
the bleeding veines, put it into a gallon of Spring water in a new or [...]
cleane earthen pipkin, boile it fast over a cleane fire, skimme of all [...]
fatt as it riseth, When it is boiled halfe away, sitt some in a Spoone to
jelly, & when it cutts Stiffe take it of the fire, & runn it through a Cotton
Jelly bagg into a silver or earthen dish, and when it is cold take all the
fatt of from it; beat the white of an Egge and 4 spoonfulls of Rosewater
up to a froth. Then put it into a very cleane pipkin or preserving [...]
put in your Jelly to it half a pound of double refined Sugar, the juice
of 5 lemmons, or a quarter of a pint of sharp white wine, 2 vaces of gin
ger, a spoonfull of Cinamon water, 1/2 a spoonfull of Coriander seeds, 2 [...]
le sprigs of Rosemary, lemmon rind thin pared as long as you can cutt
it of from the lemmon. Sett all these upon a cleare fire; keep it stirring
softly with a spoone till it boile up, when it is turnd like a possett & the
jelly looks clear under the scumme take it of from the fire; and lay 2 or 3
Sprigs of Rosemary in the bottom of your Jelly bagg & runn your Jelly thro[...]
into an earthen bason, & the 2d. time runn it through into your glasses
for your use.

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