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Folio page 152v, Scribe's page 328.

To Adubado PorkeA Ffan +The attribution, which appears in the left hand margin, is written in a different hand than the body of the recipe.

Take Proke new kill'd what joynt you please free
of the skin, & put it into an Earthen pan shred-
a handfull of sage very small, & put it into a
stone Morter, put thereto two cloves of garlicke
rub them very well with the sage with the Pestle put
thereto a pint of sharp claret wine, then poure
all this upon the porke put in likewise underneath
the pork a pint of vinegar & a pint of water-
mingled together, & straw some bay salt finely
beat over it all, when the Meat hath layn in it
2 dayes & a night it must be rested, & you-
may eat it hott or cold as you please with-
mustard or else with oyle & vinegar which is the most
proper sawce.

Folio page 153r, Scribe's page 329.

A Ffan +The attribution, which appears in the left hand margin, appears in a different hand than the body of the recipeA Receipt to make an Italiandish of hogs heads

Take 2 Hogs heads & Tongues 2 whole nutmegs
bay Leaues & sault, whole pepper, lett them be boyled
till the bones come off very cleane, then take them
out, the Eares & the great End fo teh tongue must
be cutt in pretty bigg slices & thin, the rest chopt
small, then putt in Cloues Synnamon, Mace, -
Nutmeggs, pepper, all beat to a powder, &
some Lemmon pill cut small, & salt as you
much as you thinke will season it very well.
& then you mvst haue a wooden presse of what
fashion you please, in the bottome & sides you must
putt Bay Leaues very thick, that the Meat may
not touch the wood, then in the Bottome you must
strew some spice & salt & then put in some of
the chopt meat, & Spon that some of the Eares and
Tongues, that are cut in sleeces & soe lay chopt
meat againe, Eares & Tongues till itbe all in
& between euery Row of Minst meat & tongues
strew some salt & spice, when you haue done
lay Bay Leaues a top & soe couer it with the
Couer of the Presse, & lay very good weight
upon it & lett it stand 48 houres all this
must be done whilst it is hott, when you
take it out of the Presse you must serue it
whole & carue it at the Table in thin slices, &
eat it with oyle & Vinegar.The recipe ends with a flourish.

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This page was originally transcribed by Elizabeth Emerson as part of an EMROC transcription project in 2013 at The University of Akron.