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The fleech of white quince
Take your fine Aple quince; wipe them &
with a Cleane Cloth; Core them with a Coreing
Iron; & Coddles them in a Kettle of [...]These letters look to have been scribbled out water; that
houlds 3 or 4 gallons of water; Codle them not
[ton] tender; Constantly turning them that
all Sides May Coddle a lick; then take them
up into a Cleane Cloth Couer them up, & when
& when they are a little Cold pare them hould-
=ing them in a Cleane Cloth; for your hor
hand will Make them look ill; & when they
are pared, Slice them very thin: lich orrnge
Chipes; dusting some Suger ouer them to
preserue the Culler; take none but what lookes
white, & None that is hard; or spotty, then
have Reddy a pinte of the Gelly of John ap=
=ples; & a pound of the best duble Refined Suger
well beat; & Set it ouer the fire & lett boyle -
up to the tope of the pan, & then forthwith
Sling in a pound of your quince Chipes,
& one pound more of Suger very finely -
Beat; & lett all boyle as fast as possible you
can; till you See itt Gelly, & the quince looks
Cleere; which itt will the souner don, if you
Cut your quinces very fhine; Scune them
very Cleane; & them up with your gelly
& when they Bee Could, you will find that
they will Cut out liche Cleere Ice, betweene
the Slices of quince;

Allmon ButterLady Halifax415

Take a poind of the Best Gurden allmonds Blanchd
in Could water; then Make Sume very Cleere barly
water amp; with some of some of that water Beat the
allmons in a Stone Morter very fine; ffor the finer you
Beat them the Better your Butter will bee; then put
in a quart of the Barly water & pres out your water
from the allmons very hard; & Seet itt ouer a Cleere fire,
being very hott; & put in as Much Salt as wil ly upon
a 6 pence; & the juce of one leamon; & Stire itt Softly
about till you See it Breake; then put it gentlely
by Spounfulls. into a dubble boulter bag; and tye
itt up Close & let ott hand all Night ffor the
whay to Rune out; & in the Morning Beat it up
with a very little Rose water; & fine Serchd Suger
and pinhe the tope as you dowe other butter
with the tip of a Knife;

Everything following is written in a different hand

To Make a Lobster pye.The scribe has left a small flourish under the word pye

Mr Franklin
Boil your Lobsters & take them out of their Shells, and
Cut the Meat in bits, & put to them Oysters partri[...]
& the finns taken off; Leason it with Nutmeg mace
& Salt to you tast, then make your pye & lay in your meat,
put fresh butter on the top, & Cover it up, and
just when you put it into the oven pour into it
a little Oyster Liquor, & let it Bake halfe an hour
when you draw it Cut up the lid, & take away the
fatt, & put in a leeve of thick butter 5 or 6 anchoves
dissolved, the juce of an orrange, 2 or 3 yolks of raw
eggs, a little Jack, & a leamon pared and Cut Gros
So pour it into your pye [&] Shake it together &
Cut your lid & put round it. There is another little flourish at the bottom of the recipe

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This page was originally transcribed by Kenny Cruse as part of an EMROC transcription project in 2013 at The University of Akron.