



Status: Needs Review

Folio page 194v, Scribe's page 418

To Make mead,

My Liter GranthamThis attribution appears in the top left margin and there is a line under the attribution.
Take 12 Gallons of river or pond water, or rain,
(Wine Meature) let it Stand a day or too to
Clear, then pouer it off and boil it, put
into it of mint, Balm, ;rosemarey, & bays,
each a little Sprig; then [run] 10 Gallons
of it into a Clean heb or Cool, then put
into it 18 pound of the best honey halfe a
nutmeg & as Much Cloves mace Cinaomon
Ginger & leamon peel cruised, all, let it
boil halfe an hour Leiminy it well befor
you put in the Spice, when it is fit to
Set a working; put into it a wheaton toast
well spread with yest, & let it worke it
as other drink it will just fill an anchor,
bottle it at 3 weeks end and it may bee
drank in a fortnight more.

To dry Plumbs;
There is a change in ink.

L: Lucy Bright.This attribution appears in the middle left margin and there is a line under the attribution.
Ston your Plumbs and fill euery one with
Sugar, & lay them into a Galley pot and
betwixt euerey row of Plumbs put a tay
of Sugar, So doo til your pot is full then
tie a leather or paper ouer it and Set it
into an Ouen with whit bread, and when they are
baked til they bee Clear Set them by
to bee Could, and the[n] lay them out upon
Glasses in a Stoue til they bee dry.
There is a scratching of ink at the end of the last line to indicate the end of the recipe.

Folio number 195r, Scribe's page number 419

To make Leaman Brandey.There is a scratching of ink under tye "dey" of "Brandey"
Li Laurance.
The attribution appears in the top left margin of the page, and there is a scratching of ink under the attribution.

Take 12 large leamans and pare them uery
thin, and put them into 3 pints of Brandey
and let them Steep 48 hours, then take 3 pints
of fair water and a pound of Double refined
Sugar, Set it on the fier and when it boyles up
take it off and let it Stand til tis allmoast
Could, then pour your Brandey off your peels
through a Jealey bag into your Syrop, then
tun it all through your Jelley bagg too
or 3 times til tis Verey Clear, and to bottle
There is a scratching of ink at the end of the line indicating the end of the recipe.

To Make Syrop of Ground Juey.
There is a scratching of ink under "Ivey"
Dr Medford.
The attribution appears in the left middle margin of the page, and there is a scratching of ink under the attribution.

In May Take the Juce of Ground Ivey,
put it into an Earthen pot, Couer it & Set
it Into a pot of hot water ouer the fier,
Seep the water hot with a Constant fier
but doo not let it boil, it must stand thus
24 hours, and there will bee a uerey Great
Scum upon it when you Open it; take off
that Scum, and Strain the Liquor, and to
a pint [...] of Liquor put to pound of Sugar
to boyle it up to a Syrop, put in a uerey
[ltte] Saffron & Sinamon in a bag.
There is a scratching of ink at the end of the line indicating the end of the recipe.

The Queen of Hungareys Water.
There is a scratching of ink under "Water"
La: Cranen.
The attribution appears in the left bottom margin of the page, and there is a scratching of ink under the attribution.

Take the flowers only of Rosmarey put them
into an Earthen pot & put to them of Much
of the Best Brandey as will just Couer them,
then tie down the pot Close & Set it 24 hours
in the Chimney Corner where it may just keep
warme, then Still it off in a warm or Limbeck
put the Same water to more flowers as before
& Sill it off again, & so Keep it.
There is a scratching of ink at the end of the line indicating the end of the recipe.

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This page was originally transcribed by Cassandra Isenberg as part of an EMROC transcription project in 2013 at The University of Akron.