



Status: Needs Review

Folio page 204v, scribe's page 436.

For a Scald head.

Cousin H:Fanshaw.Attribution apperas in left margin. Flourish underneath may indicate finality.Take ?? or ?? large Onions, beat them in a
Morter till they are all past, then beat into it a
quarter of a pound of boars Greace, till it Comes
to a Salve, Make a Cap of [bicharom] to put over
it, Cut or pull away all the hair, then noint
it twice a day; as Much as you Make at twice
will Generally doo, but allways thrice.

The bitter Tincture.Flourish after the period may indicate finality.

Mrs. H:Ffananshaw.Flourish underneath may indicate finality.Take Candies, ???????? ????, Cammomil flowers, Sage,
Rew, of Each a handfull, one ounce of Gen[...]in root,
Slice the Root, and Shred the herbs, Grosly, put them
all into a Ston pitcher with a quart of the best
Nants brandey, or a quart of whit wine, or as
Much Spring water, according as you would have
it hoter or Coulder, lye down you pitcher, & set it
in the Oven when the bread is drawn, when you
take it out dont uncouer it till tis Could;
If tis infu[sed] in brandy or wine, take too 3 or 4
Spoonfulls, if in water a wine Glass full in the
Morning fasting;
If you would have it to purge put into it [4]
drams of Cenna, & one of Rubarbe,
When it comes out of the Oven you Must after
tis Settled, power off the Clear, & keep it for you
use, you May put in a little Saffron if you will.Flourish underneath last word may indicate finality.

Folio page 205r, scribe's page 437.

The E[...] Cream.Flourish after the period may indicate finality.

Mrs Sloan.Attribution appears in a makeshift left margin. A flourish after the period may indicate finality.Take a quarter of a pound of the best preserv'd Erringos,
Cut them in thin Slices and powr upon them a pint of
Scaulding hot Milke, let them Stand an hour or too at
beast if not all night till the Sweetnes is Soaked out,
then powr away the Milke, and boyl them in Cream
to what thiknes you like.Flourish after the period may indicate finality.

Ginger bread.Flourish after the period may indicate finalit.

Mrs Woodcock.Attribution appears in makeshift left margin.Take 4? of flower, 2?: of Sugar, and have readey beaten
and Searet halfe an ounce of Caraway Seeds, halfe an ounce
of Coriander Seeds halfe an ounce of Ginger, and 2 Nutmegs.
Cinnamon, Cloues, Mace, Cardimum Seeds, of each a pencworth;
Mix these with your flower and Sugar, then Make it into
a Stif past with a pound of Melted buter, halfe a pint
of Milke, and the Whits and Yolks of 4 eggs, Let it by
the fier to Rise a quarter of an hour, then Make them
up into little Cakes, and wash them over with the yolk
of an egg, buter your papers, and bake them in a Show
oven, if you like it you May pu tin 6: ounces of Cittron,
orrang, or Leaman peel.

Je[...]lley of Red Currants.

take to each pound of Stript Currants, 3 quarters of a pound
of double Refin'd Sugar, and boyl the Sugarto a Candey, hight,
then put in your Currants, and Stir them together as
they boyl ouer the fier, let it boyl as fast as you Can
for a quarter of an hour, then power it through a
fine Pelley bag, and Glase it.Slash after after period may indicate finality.Ladey Longuill.

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This page was originally transcribed by Pamela Kellman as part of an EMROC transcription project in 2013 at The University of Akron.