



Status: Needs Review

Folio page 220r, Scrbie's page 467.

A Whit pot
A Harrison.This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin.
Take 3 pints of Cream, whol Sinamon a little
nutmeg Sliced, and Scald it, haue a penney loaf
Sliced Very thin, and the Marrow of too bones Slice
the Marrow and lay that on the bottom of the dish
upon the Marrow lay the bread, then Marrow again
as before, to the 3 pints of Scalded Cream put
9 yolks of eggs well beaten with rose Water,
Sweeten the Cream to your tast; with a little Salt,
So fill up your dish With it, backe it and when
it Comes out of the ouen Leavee a Very little
fine Sugar upon it

What is this sorcery?
A HarrissonThis attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin.
To one pound of ??????????????: pints of Water,
boyle it fast till it Couer to halfe the quantetey,
let it Stand till tis Could, then blanch and beat
halfe a pound of Sweet almonds, uery fine with
Ourang flower Water to keep them white, then
Melt your delley and and Stir it in, Sweeten it to
your tast and put in Leamon peel if you like
it, Strain it through a thin Cloth or fine Seiue,
and Let it so Jelley, eat it with Cream or
leamon Cream.
You May doo the Same with Calfes foot broth.

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This page was originally transcribed by Ian Faith as part of an EMROC transcription project in 2013 at The University of Akron.