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Aug 5 1887
Seventh Street & West Street Ass't Rolls
Pursuant to law and published notices the Council
now proceeds to examine and equalize the special
assessment Rolls for the Assessment Districts
established by Odinance No 843 for the grading of
West Street from Cedar Street to Virginia Street and
to build sidewalks thereon. and by Ordinance No 848
for the grading of Seventh Street from Madison Street
to Mill Street & Building sidewalks thereon, and
no one appearing to contest either of said assess-
ment rolls and no objection being made to them or
either of them. On motion it is ordered that said
assessment Rolls be and the same are hereby approved.
Councilman Reitze moves to instruct the Clerk to ad-
vertise for bids for lighting street for the ensuing
year. Referred to Committee on Street lights.
His Honor the Mayor having stated to the Council
he will be absent from the City for some weeks, on
motion fo CouncilmannJ M Frink, Councilman Furth
is elected Acting Mayor during the absence of the
Mayor by unanimous vote of the Council.
On motion the Council now proceeds to open and ex-
amine bids for the Improvement of Seventh St
from Madison St to Mill Street; of Mill Street
from a point between South 4th & South 5th Streets to
Williamson Street and of Madison Street Extension
as follows viz:
Seventh Street
Bid of Finch & Henderson
Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $15.85
Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $15.85
Bid of P Quigley
Earthwork pr Cubic Yard 45 cents

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