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Aug 5 1887
Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $16.00
Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00
Grubbing and Clearing per acre $100.00
Bid of Wilson & Godfrey
Earthwork per Cubic Yard 38cents
Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00
Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00
Grubbing and Clearing per acre $100.00
Bids for Madison Street Imp Ord 829
Bid of Wm Tierney
To do the Same for the sum of $11,550.00
Bid of Wilson & Godfrey
To do the Same for the sum of $14,965.00
Bid of O'Day & Anderson
To do the Same for the sum of $17,900.00
Bid of W N White
To do the Same for the sum of $13,950.00
Bids for Mill Street Imp.
Bid of D A Hill & Co
Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $15.15
Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00
Bid of Wilson & Godfrey
Earthwork per Cubic Yard 40cents
Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00
Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00
Grubbing and Clearing per acre $100.00
Bid of Wm Tierney
Earthwork per Cubic Yard 34&1/2cents
Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $18.00
Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $18.00
Grubbing and Clearing per acre $30.00
Whereupon after examination and comparison of
said bids on motion of Councilman Reitze the
contract for grading & Improving Seventh Street from Madison to
Mill St is awarded to Wilson & Godfrey upon their
filing a bond in the sum of $3000.00

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