


Status: Complete


four years issues (not quite complete) of
"the Dial" - the quarterly organ
of the Brookfarm fraternity, which
I secured simply by steady high
bidding at auction against the
venerable Dr Cordiner (of the "Church
of the Messiah", Montreal),
more than 20 years ago. I
remember the brokers and ordinary
bidders soon left us alone,
mildly wondering what was the attraction
in the old numbers of a semi-
religious, shortlived review. Then
there are Emersons and Thoreaus
works and lives. M Fuller's (Countess
de Ossoli's "Memoris" the joint pro-
duction of Channing Clarke and
Emerson - also some of her
essays - Many of Theo. Parkers
works - G W Curtis - the Alcotts
father and daughter - Ripley -


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