fol. 61v




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1579 Annos

Īpan imilhuitzin
Sanctomê in ōtlayahua-
lô Sancta Cruz quin ic
huāllâ in Roma vel yè-
huātl in ītech momi-
quilî totēmāquīxticātzin

Īhuān ìcuāc ye nō cencâ mayāna-
lōc quinomāhuî in quināmacac tlaō-
lli visorrey īhuān alcaldes.

Īpan octobre in huetzico tlatzcan (?) ātl

Ic xxvii deziembre in ōhuālmìcuanì-
quê Sancta Clara īpilhuān.

Notes and Questions

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cristobal -oldfordham

What was the thing that came from rome?

cristobal -oldfordham

is quinamacac taking the closest subject to it (visorrey) even though it is also the alcaldes who are buying corn?

cristobal -oldfordham

what is quinomahui?

cristobal -oldfordham

tlatzcan? I found cypress but it makes little sense