



Status: Complete

[centred] 2
are concerned. In nearly all cases
things split 50-50. Sometimes it is cold
and then hot, buttons on clothes and
sometimes not, and so on.

Lately, we have had some good fun
playing ball, roll the bat, duck on
the rock, and a few more old school games.
There are some cinemas in the near
vicinity and concert parties drop around
occasionally, outside of the programmes
arranged by the members and adherents
of the different battalions.

There is a stove in our hut and when
the wood is gone we know where to
get some more, even if excursions do
have to be made after the setting of the
sun. There are lots of blankets, so one
really can say, "it isn't such a bad
old war after all."

We had a bath this morning
and it was far better than the nearly
get wet kind. Of course insofar as
the clothes are concerned, sometimes
it's a case of discarding old acquaintances
for new ones.

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