(seq. 2)



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start to go and see
her at N. Bedford, and talk
things over, because she
wrote me every day.
and she had nice job.
I was gone work [rayle?]
of days. and keep house
for her for while,
I went for the mail
first, when I wait for
my buss. and got letter
from her, that nearly
work me out. That she
was, [bord?] at Framingham.

and letter went first to
nice [blase?], where I was
working. and at was any
day of. So at was a
guilt a [shork?]. and she
felt so bad, that she
was rather be dead
than be over there
again. she said dem. I
ask her why she was
sent there again.
year go coming sun
day she came home.
"Please" if not to much
for you, do find out

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