(seq. 14)
[right-hand side of the page]
you to work so faithfully
for there welfare.
I always envied all
the woman at the assemblie
there when they could hear
you and your guest speakers.
I have always hoped
since the time Miss James
helped me with that other
instrument that I might
be fitted to a good one.
Now I am happy.
I hear so well. It really
is a wonderful invention
and they are working all
the [time?] to better them.
I won't look forward
to an answer to this
because I am leaving
to-morrow for Meredith
to work and I'm sure
[left-hand side of the page]
I wouldn't have gotten
it but for this instrument
[triangle design stamp]
Just I wanted to say
thanks for a pleasant evening.
I have been out so seldom
since coming home.
I am enclosing the
clipping from the Waltham
Tribune you might like
to read it.
Miss James will hear
from me as soon as I know
more of my work.
I think she is just
the grandest girl, she is
always so forgiving, so
understanding, but if
you we won't help yourselves,
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