(seq. 17)
so that the entire membership of
the local club may attend the lec-
ture, following their regular lunch-
eon meeting. The association has
been attempting to secure the
speaker for the past two years.
Dr. Van Waters, superintendent
of the State Reformatory for Wo-
men at Framingham, has had a
distinguished career which has
carried her into many fields and
activities. She is considered the
country's most eminent authority
on crime problems affecting wo-
men. Her speciality has been that
of reclaiming them for society.
Her former home is Glendale, Cali-
fornia. Among her books are
"Youth in Conflict" and "Parents
on Probation."
Before going to the Framingham
position, Dr. Van Waters was head
of the juvenile crime groundwork
of the Harvard crime survey. She
also carried on important research
work for the Wickersham Com-
Dr. Van Waters received her A.
B. from the Unviersity of Oregon
and the degree of A.M. two years
later. In 1913 she was awarded
the honorary degree of Ph.D by
Clark University, Worcester. She
is a member of Phi Beta Kappa
and Pi Lambda Theta. She has
served the National Association of
Travelers' Aid Societies as a mem-
ber of the board of directors; as
president of the National Confer-
ence of Social Work in 1930, aand
the Southern California Society
for Mental Hygiene in 1926. She
was national chairman of juvenile
protection of the Parent-Teachers'
Association for one year.
The meeting is open to the wo-
ment of Waltham and vicinity with-
out charge. The program will
start at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Emil F.
Guba, recently elected president of
the Woman's Association of the
First Congregational Church will
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