


Status: Complete

July 1952

Friday 11

Pale hazy sun. Mildish sun.
Did not get up till after 8.30
Worked on correcting copy 1 of the essay.
Went to butcher.
Ran telephone message for Mrs Andresen.
Mrs Bennetts in to telephone in early evening.
May Smales came later for an hour to tell me her furs were not lost after all.
I meant to get to bed early but had to do some work & it kept me till 11.
At 5 p.m cut down another limb of the big loquat tree.
Did not light fire.

[The following written at bottom of page:]
5.30 p.m

Notes and Questions

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The loss of May's items is also mentioned on Sunday 6 July, but in that diary entry also, the name of the item/s is also difficult to decipher.


I think this word is 'furs'. There is no dot over the word, and Miles always dots her letter 'i's.
On 19 June 1953 (10072597200) Miles mentions wearing 'Jno's grey fox fur', so the spelling of the word 'fur' can be compared there.


'Jno's fur' is also mentioned on 20 June 1952


Thank you, Barbie! I'll correct the transcriptions.