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Sweet water to burn {28} {97}

Take a quart of faire Water one ounce of Orris powder ¾ of an ounce
of Benjamin as much Storage 6 graines of Sivitt & as much Musk; put
all those into the water & shake it all together; put In 5 dropps of Strong
Essanes of Orrange & keep it for your use;

Marmalet of Quince White

Take 2 lb of very good Quinces pare quarter & core, lb of them, then grate the
other lb of them parings and all, & Straine the Juce into your preserving pan; & put
thereto, li of the best double refined Sugar & set it over the fire, & as soone as the
Sugar is Melted put in your Quince & keep it aboyling as fast as you can; or
else it will Loose the Coullor; it will presently be enough; which you will see
by the tenderness of the quinces & the coming from the pan you must stir
it all the while or it will . as soone as you perceive it is reddy take it
of the fire or it will Lose the Collor. In an Instant, then put it Into Glasses, &
when it is cold put it Into a Stove uncovered 24 hours.

If you make any great quantitie of this you must have 2 or 3 to help
you to pare the Quinces, then the may not Lie Long out of the Sirrup after pared
you must put In all your quarters all at once into the Sirrup; take care
you make not too much at one time or one boyling then it may have
roome to Lye In the pann; Scour your pan between the Boyling;

Preserved Grapes

Take the fairest white grapes when they are not too ripe & pick them
from the Stalkes to a li of grapes; take ½ a li of double refined Sugar beaten
Exceding fine; then pull the skins of & Stone them and put them Into Sugar
and let them Stand a while; then set them on a sloe fire till the Sugar be melted
then let them boyle as fast as the can stirring them well; sometimes you must
take them of the fire, & shake them & not stir them with a Spoon for feare you break
them;& when you see them Looke cleare take them of & put them Into your Glasses or
else they will not Gelley/

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