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{114 }To preserve Goosberries Dryed
Take youre large Duch Gooseberrries & take out all the stones; & cut
of all the Topps; & fling them into cold water as you stone them;
then have ready a Silver Basson full of water; let it boyle then
take it of & let it stand one Minite, & then put in youre berries &
cover them close for a quarter of an hour; or till you see the peele
pill of, & as you pill them fling them into cold water; to harden
them & keepe them fouller; Then to 1lb of them Berries take 1/2 lb of the best
double Refined Suger finely beat & 8 Spoonfull of water;
let the suger & the water boyle; then put in the Gooseberries & let
them boyle a quarter of an hour or till the be cleare Let them boyle
very fast; then take them of & Lett them stand a Little while, & then take
them out to draine on a Cive then make a very thin Candie &
lay youre Berries In a Basson of Silver & pour the Candie hot to
them & Sett them In a stove but a Little warme, & for 2 dayes warme
them each day Blood=warme & no more, & then Lay on Glasses to dry
In the sun or in a stove a Little warme /
To Keepe Walnuts Fresh or
Moyst all Winter

Gather your Walnutts carefully & very dry & bruise
them not then put them with the greene shells ^on^ as you gather them.
Into an earthen pott anew & high one & lett it be dry
& when it is full cover it with a pap & over that a glove & over
that a wet Bladder/

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