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{140} To Souce a Pigg

Take a good fatt Pig about 3 weeks old Seald it very well & open
& wash him Cleane from his Blood, then bone him very handsomely
taking as little meat away with the bones as you can, then som dainty
Sweet herbs, as Sweet Margerine Time Rosemary Savory & the Like
Shread very small mingled with Nutmegs Shieod very small, & a Little
maes & poy pund & a Little Salt, & as you role it up in fashion of
a Collar of Broaund Straw between & only touch some of those herbs
so ordered & then tie it up In a Cleane Cloth, & boyle it londer in this
Liquor ^made as followeth; take a pint and half of white wine & a pint of
& half of Excellent wine vinegar, or good vergis, & a pint of
Spring water & a handfull of Salt; put in your pig after it is lyde up
& boyle it till it be tender then take it up when it is cold take it out of the
Bag & keep it in your Liquor it was boyled in, a faire fatt pig will
make 2 Gallons you may Eat it with vinegar & Sugar

A French Pottage

Take a piece of a Leg of veile & a piece of a Leg of Mutton
& a piece of Beefe & put it Into a pot a boyling; & when it is boyled
to a very brown Strong Broth take it out the moat & put in
Pigeions & passed Coxe Combs & Saffages of foret Moat put in
Severall a Bundell all of Sweet herbs & some Spinnage of each A
handful & 20 or 30 Sparrow grasses & some Sugar Mace & A
Little vergis then beat in 2 or 3 yolks of eggs, & shake them well
together & serve then it up with some tops of Bread

A Goose to Eat Cold

Take a fatt stubtle goose & salt it within & without & so let
it lie a week & so hang it over the smoak of a wood fire in A
Chimnie not too hot, & when it is dry take it down & boyle it
& serve it up Cold with Tongues or Collord Beefe or any such
cold Meat

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