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220 To Pickle Cucumbers
When you have well & Cleane Rubd ym wth a Cloth Singly, put
ym In a well Glasd pott, wth a meany Vine Leavesa Little dill & ffome
Seed but not too much It being too Strong & Potts ym; A little Sweet
Margorum pull these cerfully betwenet every Lay, yn Mix yo pickle
2 parts Ale vinegar & one part wine vineger & salt to beare An Egge
put yt to ym for 7 or 8 dayes yn pour it out Boyle & Scum & Cap it
Sealing hot on yr Cucumbs, do so for every 5 or 6 dayes till you see
ym of a good greene, & In ye winter when you see ym moutd on ye topp
Boyle it & Scum it & ad Now for ye wap, About Christmas make it
all Now wch will make ym of A lovely Collor & Crisp; this is a good wery
for any pickl'd Sallott.
To Pickle Mushroomes
The Grow up In one Night; A very moyst & Clamy night
will send ym up very thick; so yt If over night you pluck
up ye old one you will before to have frospone & In ye morning
Gather onely those wch are very white on ye outsides, & a pale
pinet Cullor within, ye Clodnd hard ones Like buttons are ye
best pill of ye skin very well & as you pill ym throw them
Into water & salt, & In ye water boyle ym a quarter of an hour
keeping ym well scum'd, then take ym & put ym Into faire pickle
ye halfe vineger & ye other halfe vergis, A little Large Mace
halfe a handfull of white pep whole; give yor pickle 3 or 4 walmes
over ye fire wth a hand full of salt, scum it cleane & let it Coole
yn put In yor Mushroomes wth some Shellot.

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