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To Pickle Piggons
Take your largest young pidgons weel washed & dryed and take
out all the bones but do not slitt them up the back but take the bons
out at the neck and at the Rump then take a peice of a leg of
mutton and mince it as small as for forst meat take a very little
salt and some lard & season it with cloues mace sinement peper
& ginger & salt sweet Arbs margerum winter savery & a very
little thyme mix all these well to gether & stuf your pidgons
with it & fashen them a bout the like of a pidgon tye them with
threds abut the neck & tye the legs to the Rump & season them
with a little nutmeg & salt on the outside & so bake them in an
Earthen pot with as much white wine as will couer them & some
hole peper bay leaue & a sprig of Rosemery & if your pidgons
be leane put in a peice of butter & so bake them & when you draw
them wash the fatt of into the pickle the ware baked in & lay them
on a bard till the be cold then take all the fatt of the pickle and
put into the pidgons and keep them in it if you vse them: if not
you must make a fresh pickle of white wine & vineger bay leave
& Rosemery hole peper and nutmegg
Beef Allamode
Take a peice of leane beef & beate it very well then
lard it with thick lard then put it into a pot with good broth
with a bundle of sweet Arbs and all sorts of spices and when
they are all very well boyled to gether serve it witth the
broth when you lard your beef take small arbs with your lard
a little vineger pepper and salt.
A Do[b]e Goos or Turkey.
Take broth and white wine take your goos or turkey and put
it into it and put in some sweett arbs & hole onyons some pep
per mace cloves and salt and put it in a pot or pann and
cover it very close till it be tender then squse the Juce of lemo
into it and serve it up with sippets thiken it with yolks

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