



Status: Complete

Monday, Mar. 2, 1914
Went to have dress fitted at Miss O'Connell's.
Back to office thence to confer with Gompers
at Kaiserhof Hotel at 11. Agnes, Miss H.
Louisa, Myrtle & I had lunch at Naomi
Club. Worked in office all afternoon.
Dinner at Hearth & walked home.
Exhausted so slept till 8. Got up
& practised a little. Lovely day.

Tuesday 3
Got down early. Went to bank & P.O.
Went up to call on Wm. B. Mrs Bloor there
& came down. Went to Dr Schiff
at 4.45. Lunch at Randolph.
Dinner at Hearth walked home alone.
Mr Chenery called at office. Awfully
exhausted. Fell to bed & slept till
8. Got up & practised a little.

Wednesday 4
Got down early. Went to bank & to
lunch at Hearth with Ethel. Dinner with
her at Henrici's on Mich. Blvd. & then
to public speaking class. Wrote to
A.P. Watt & Son. Pottering day. Meeting
about school at 4. Mrs R. Mary A.
Ethel, Miss H & I present also Mrs
Maynard in office.

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Miles Franklin was living in Chicago at this time.