



Status: Complete

1. How happy the present & prospective condition of the
truly virtuous & good!

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth weeping &c [etc.]

2. How dark the future of those who live in
violation of the laws of God!!

Are stirring in themselves the elements of discord. Throw-
-ing off restraint – the balance gone – like machine
its own terrific motions dash it into fragments!! ~

[written vertically on left edge]
Malden Center.

(No. 5. Reg. [Regular] Skels. [Schedules]) [centered]
John 12:31,32 ~ [centered]

"Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me" ~
~ [centered]

I The Preparation. Jesus had gone forth on his mission. Had an-
-nounced a plan for t. [the] world's salvation; said it was laid in heaven;
& himself was an important person in it – in fact the great Mediator.
World was in Satan's possession – yet he was to be cast out. Had representatives
in Judea = Romans, Pharisees, Sads [Sadducees], Essenes, Priests & populace.

In prov. [providence] of G. [God] all things were ready. Enemies had conspired – the
crisis was approaching. It was bidden to come.

II The Trial itself. 1 Jesus' plan was t. [the] matter in contest.
State the plan – the claims of C. [Christ] – his method of appeal ~

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