Page 34




Status: Indexed


Alice Stabler read from "Garden
Gossip" a description of the first
meeting of the society.

To the question of how often to spray
orchards, Robert Miller says twice as
often as you have time. A schedule
is mailed from Maryland University giving
proper spraying times.

Our Forethought Committee member
reminded us of several timely garden
duties. Now is the time to transplant
parsley for the house, mulch
asparagus, pick tomatoes before frost
harms them. Hydrangea may be put in
the cellar, and geraniums should be
left out until later. Put wood ashes
on roses, and leave them alone until
spring. Chop fresh herbs, place in
crock and cover with salt.

The assistant sec'y read
the list of exhibits, seven families
having brought specimens.

Margaret Bancroft asked if it
really pays to send away for seed.
Dr. Nichols recommended saving your
own. Robt. Miller uses Bolgiano's
believing local seed best suited to
our gardens, He uses [Trust Benster?]
seed potatoes. Save lima beans
from pods containing four or five
beans to a pod.

F. H. McReynolds says that the
fertilizer on his apsaragus cost $22.00
and he got very little asparagus

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