



Status: Complete


Tuesday That she wished to place with
the Sisters at Manly. Mrs. Goodlet
suggested that she should go to the
Good Shepherd when they would
arrange it for her. Miss Williams
to ask if the Reverend Mother would
receive her.
10 pupils

Wednesday 29th.
Miss Williams took Annie Woolohan
to the Good Shepherd the Rev'd Mother
being willing to receive her.
10 pupils

Thursday 30th.
Mr. Williams conducted even'g service.

Friday 31st
Nothing of importance to record
10 pupils

Saturday August 1st.
Annie M'Leod very rude to the
Teacher telling several of the younger
girls not to obey the Teacher's orders
using very bad language and when
spoken to upon the subject by the
Matron refused to do her work,
she was therefore placed in the proba-
tioners room.
Sub Matron & Laundress out for
the afternoon.

Sunday 2nd.
Mr. Bushby conducted Morn'g Service
Mr. Baker afternoon do.
Mr. William (Church of England
Lay Reader) conducted even'g Service.
Matron and Officers out to their usual

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