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Signe Manu.

- £i -
Coot 50 }
Shane 100 } 250
Berkley 100 }


Our Will and Pleasure is That by virtue of Our
Generall Letters of Privy Seale bearing date the 19th. day of
Aprill 1689 you issue and pay or cause to be issued and
payd out of any Our Treasure being and remaining in the
Rect of the Excheqr not appropriated to particular uses by
Act of Parliament, the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty ~
Pounds (without Acct.) unto the respective Persons hereafter-
named in the proportions set against their names, as of Our
free Guift and Royall bounty to them severally. That is to

- - £i s d
To Dame Eliza. Coote 50 0 0
Dame Frances Shane 100 0 0
Mrs. Jeane Berkley 100 0 0
250 0 0
And for so doeing this shalbe your Warrant Given at
Our Court at Whitehall the 21th day of Septr 1691 In the
third yeare of Our Reigne.

To Our Rt. Trusty and Rt. Welbeloved Counsellr.
Sidney Lord Godolphin and the rest of the ~
Comms. of Our Treaty

By her Mats: Command


John Lowther

T. Pelham

Intr in officio [Chri? pollin]
xiiiito die Decembr 1691:

- £i
Coot 50
Shane 100
Berkley 100

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