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Old Slater Mill
Pawtucket, R. I.
Est. 1790
[Pencil drawing of three-story mill with tower]
Slater Mill
[Pencil drawing of mill]
Vol. 4 Slater, S. C., August 21, 1947 No. 38
Textile Meet is Voted Success
Attending the two-day conference on Human Relations, sponsored by the Greenville Textile Club and the Parker Schools, were George W. Pridmore, Lloyd T. Scarce, J. B. Martin, and William Lybrand from the Slater plant.
This was the first time this conference had ever been held, and from reports of those attending, it was voted a success.
The program began on August 15 and continued through Saturday, August 16. It was held at Parker district's Blythe Shoals Camp.
During the first day's session, those attending heard Frank Aiken, President of the Greenville Textile Club, welcome the delegates to the session, and also heard him speak on the subject of "The Place of the Second Hand in the Plant." Also heard on the program were L. P. Hollis, superintendent of the Parker schools, Alan B. Sibley, treasurer of the Judson Mills, and Douglas T. Smith, industrial engineer of the American Vicsose Corporation.
On Friday night, practically all of the overseers, supervisors and male members of the office force of the Slater company attended and saw a motion picture entitled "Under the Stars." This picture was furnished through the courtesy of the Proctor and Gamble Company.
During the Saturday session, John J. Carson, personnel consultant of J. D. Woods and Gordon, Ltd. of Canada, was on the program, as well as E. G. Michaels, II, the adminstrative assistant to the assistant general manager of Marshal Field Company, and Dr. W. P. Jacobs, president of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association.
It is believed by those attending that this conference will become an annual affair, as it covers a subject which is growing in prominence throughout the textile plants of not only the county but throughout the nation.
[Photograph of althetic team posing with coaches on a playing field. Photo and text span columns 2-5]
Shown above are members of the Samuel Slater Post No. 118 American Legion Junior Baseball Team, who came out in district play with a record of ten wins and three losses. This was the first year this Post had ever sponsored a team, and many of the players were without previous experience. On the right is Aubrey Ledford who coached the team, and on the left is William Lybrand, Commander of the local Post.
The Slater Community Tennis Tournament was held the last week of July on the courts at Slater Hall, with much interest being shown by the participants and spectators. Trophies, furnished by the Slater Community Association, were awarded to the winners and runner-ups in the three brackets at a Community Party held at Slater Hall, Tuesday night, August 19.
Twelve local men and boys entered the Senior Men's Bracket. Struggling through to the semi-finals were Harold Knight, Bill Lybrand, Dillard Veal and "Slick" Oglesby. Oglesby emerged the victor by defeating Knight in the semi-finals and Veal in the finals.
Entering the Women's Bracket were Wilma Cox, Veltra Smith, Frances Buchanan, Elsie Pittman, Ann Ledford, and Edna Southerland. Wilma Cox defeated Frances Buchanan in the finals to win this contest.
There were 16 local tennis enthusiasts entering the Junior Boys' Tournament, which was restricted to boys 15 years of age and under. The four still in the contest for the semi-finals were Maxie Robinson, Joe Cashion, Junior McMakin, and "Rusty" Cox. Robinson defeated McMakin and Cashion defeated Cox in the semi-finals, which resulted in Cashion defeating Robinson by the scores of 7-5 and 6-3.
During this tournament, much good tennis playing was displayed by participants in all three divisions, and it is hoped that the local tennis players will enjoy another exciting tournament next summer.

Club Programs Offer Training
The library clubs for children are maintaining a regular schedule during the summer, even though some youngsters of the community are away on vacation. The librarian urges the children in the village who have not yet joined one of these clubs to do so at once so that they may avail themselves of the fun and training offered in these groups.
The librarian also wishes to impress upon the children and their parents the importance of regular attendance at club meetings during the fall and winter months. Since most of the work is planned according to units or projects, each club period lays the foundation for the next one; thus, the child is "behind" in his club work if he is absent, for certain accomplishments are expected at each meeting.
Each club meets in the library at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and the daily schedule is as follows:
Monday ------ Girls' Club
Wednesday ----- Boys' Club
Thursday ------ Story Hour
(First and Second Streets)
Friday ----- Story Hour
(Third and Fourth Streets)

[Text box reads]
Mr. Allen Suttle, General Manager of the Slater Community Association, has announced that orders for winter coal are now being taken in the Association office.
Everyone is urged to place their orders as soon as possible in order that they may receive their coal before the cold weather strikes.
[text box ends]

Overseer O. R. Drury's second shifters in the Preparation Department are very proud of the total number of years the 56 employees have worked here at the Slater plant.
The 56 empoyees now on the payroll have had a total of 301 years of Preparation experience here at Slater. However, the second shifters like to think of it in terms of pooling their experience, which gives an average of slightly over 5 years experience per employee.
Three employees who contribute generously to the grand total of 301 years are Roy Burnett who has been with the company 17 years, Louise Barton who also boasts of 17 years of Preparation work here, and Tom McCombs who tops them all with his 18 years. Omer Phillips is also to be commended for his 11 years of service.
The following second shifters should receive honorable mention for their years of Preparation experience here: Boyce Parnell -- 9 years, Alvin Rice -- 9 years, Coleman Finley -- 8 years, Louise Hall Cox -- 7 years, C. D. Rice -- 7 years, Bertha Jones -- 7 years, Gladys Childs -- 7 years, B. F. Barton -- 7 years, Mary Brooks -- 7 years, and Overseer O. R. Drury -- 7 years.
In addition, there are two employees on this shift who have been working 6 years and 15 who have been here 5 years.
Mr. Drury boldly challenges other departments in the plant to try to match the record set by his employees.
Company officials are very proud of the record which these workers have made by their long years of service. This proves that job satisfaction is highly evident among Mr. Drury's employees.

Local Golf Club Sponsors Contest
On August 2, the Slater Golf Club sponsored a very unique golf meet at the Slater Golf Course.
All players participating could play the entire nine-hole course with only one iron. This event was won by Roy Summey, with a score of 44, and his partner, Bill Stephenson, with a score of 50, giving a total score of 94. In second place were Ansel McMakin and his son, Ansel, Jr., with scores of 44 and 55 respectively, or with a total score of 99.
In the second contest, nine holes were played as a two-ball foursome with one iron. This contest was won by J. A. White and Dalton McWhite, with a score of 48. Roy Summey and Bill Stephenson came in second with 49. Prizes were awarded the winners in each of these contests.
The Slater Golf Club has a total membership of 30, and reports are to the effect the course is in excellent condition. All persons interested in golf are urged to come out and play whether or not they join the club.

Attending the Sixth Annual Southeastern Personnel Conference at Duke University at Durham, N. C. from the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. were Robert H. Atkinson, Industrial Relations Manager; P.J. Acree, Assistant Office Manager; and J. A. Brady, Paymaster. This conference was held on August 18, 19, and 20.
The Slater men were joined at Durham by other members of the Carter Fabrics group. Also attending was Mr. Frank A. Cook, Director of Industrial Relations for the Carter group of mills, from the central offices in Greensboro.
Some of the most outstanding men in the field of personnel administration throughout the United States appeared on these programs. The program was studded with excellent speakers, and those attending reported a very worth while and profitable conference.

Young Folk Picnic At Paris Mt. Park
Members of the Young People's Training Union Class at Slater Baptist Church and their guests attended a picnic at Paris Mountain State Park, Tuesday evening, August 5.
The group enjoyed games and hiking, after which a delicious picnic lunch was served.
(Con't on page 2, col. 3)

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