Page Two THE SLATER NEWS July 26, 1945
[Column 1]
The Slater News
Published Every Two Weeks
By S. Slater & Sons, Inc.
Established 1790
In The Interest of Its Employees
[black and white emblem]
[black and white emblem]
ROBERT H. ATKINSON--------Editor
CECIL SPEIGHTS--------Asst. Editor
Weave Room: Ernestine McCall, Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C. Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Georgia Bennett, and Louise Bagwell.
Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown, Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace, Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins, Irene Cox.
Cloth Room: Jessie M. Smith.
Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid, Doris F. Atkinson.
[Article spans Column 1, 2, and 3]
We Salute
Much as been said and written about the patriotism of our men and women on the home
front - and rightfully so! Most of these warranted tributes have been centered around men and women employed in the production of war materials. These soldiers of the home front have given unstintingly of their time and efforts in order that the vital materials of war might be kept rolling to the battle front. Their patriotism is to be commended, for they are working long hours, they are making implements of war which are far superior to the best efforts of the enemy. They are buying war bonds generously. They are conserving gasoline and other rationed items, and they are doing everything else in their power to bring about the defeat of Japan, as quickly as possible. These patriots are truly the heroes of the home front, but there are other patriots equally deserving of recognition and they are none other than our wives, daughters and sweethearts who are materially aiding the war effort by serving in the American Red Cross Corps of volunteer Nurses' Aides and Gray Ladies - two organizations which are making it possible for our hospitals to function under the shortage of nurses problem which has arisen since so many of our American nurses have answered the call to duty and gone into the Army and Navy Nursing Corps.
Under the supervision of the American Red Cross, Nurses' Aides and Gray Ladies are trained to take over duties which permit professional nurses to devote their time to more urgent obligations. Red Cross Nurses' Aides and Gray Ladies serve in both military and civilian hospitals and are performing an outstanding function in catering to the comfort and well-being of hospital patients lacking certain attentions due to the dearth of nursing help.
Red Cross Nurses' Aides and Gray Ladies perform two separate functions. Nurses' Aides render practical assistance to professional nurses by attending to such hospital necessities as the giving of bed and tub baths, the taking and charting of pulse and temperature, the answering of bells and the countless other incidental services which are vital to the routine care of patients and the proper functioning of accredited hospitals. Their services are under the direct supervision of the graduate nurse in charge of a ward or floor and they are given intensive training before they are assigned to actual duty.
Gray Ladies, on the other hand, cater essentially to the comfort of patients. It is they who distribute cooling beverages, assist in the serving of mealtime trays, distribute mail, feed helpless invalids and attend to the receiving and discharging of patients. It is they who give every possible comfort to hospital patients in an effort to make their periods of illness as endurable as possible.
And so we salute the American Red Cross Corps of Nurses' Aides and Gray Ladies. They are rendering an invaluable service to a nation at war. They are making it possible for hospital patients to be given skillful attention during the absence of many of our nurses who are serving in the armed forces.
If your wife or daughter is not familiar with the Red Cross program for the training of Nurses' Aides and Gray Ladies, have her investigate the possiblity of entering this patriotic service now. By doing so, she will be performing an unexcelled patriotic duty and will obtain satisfaction in the knowing that she is a member of an organization which is one of the finest women's corps on the home front!
[Column 2]
Eventually it must be said. So here goes a criticism of reckless drivers, and a protest against carelessness on the part of motorists who fail to observe traffic regulations just because we live in a small village and have no traffic policeman on our street corners.
The official speed limit of our village is 20 miles per hour, and every person who drives faster than that is violating the rules and jeopardizing his own life and the lives of children who may be on the sidewalks or crossing the streets, and also the lives of other motorists.
Often cars go up and down our streets at a rate of speed that is unsafe even for highway driving. The motorists who drive unnecessarily fast and who fail to slow down at intersections and who look neither to the left or right to see if they should slow down or stop are thoughtless and careless and should have their drivers' license revoked.
Now a word of appreciation to the Community Association for the maintenance of a supervised playground for the children of Slater. It is quite a relief to know that our children are at a certain place and are under the supervision of competent leaders, who teach them fair play and give them instructions so that they may acquire skills in using and developing their talents.
In learning to play together, children learn the basic rules of "give and take" that go for making outstanding adult citizens.
Perhaps in no other way could the Community Associations serve the community so beneficially as in this project of a supervised playground; for, from among the boys and girls of today will become the leaders and homemakers of tomorrow. And the greater number of children that are taught clean living and honest dealings through fair play, the greater number of solid citizens we will have in our community.
[Column 3]
Cloth Room Chatter
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Balding and family, of Rock Hill, S.C., have been visiting family for the past week. They were given dinners in the homes of Mrs. Balding's sisters : Mrs. Annie Johnson, Mrs. Willie Epps, and Mrs. Margaret Stroud. They also had dinner with Mrs. Balding's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Southerline. The family reunion would have been complete with Eugene and "Red," who are serving in the armed forces.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wylie had as their guests Friday, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cecil, of Jacksonville, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Link, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Batson, Wade and Ruth Batson, and Miss Doris Pridmore enjoyed an outing at Wayside Park on July 4.
Miss Clara Talley and Mrs. Lillie Gilreath were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Pansy Bowers and family.
Little David Duncan recently spent the night with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Talley.
Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Scarce and children had an enjoyable stay at River Falls while their home in Slater was being remodeled.
Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Pace wish to express their appreciation for the household shower and dishes given them recently.
We wish to welcome Mrs. Agnes Bagwell back on the job, after an extended leave of absence due to illness.
[Article spans column 4 and 5]
GOINGS-ON - - - -
Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Henderson and family spent a delightful day at Rocky Bottom Sunday.
Mrs. Ila Howard, of Greenville, was a Sunday visitor of Mrs. Lizzie Staton.
Mrs. John A. Lane and Mrs. Emma Lane visited Mrs. Lora Camby, of Gastonia, N.C., recently.
Miss Constance Stroud, of Union Bleachery, is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. T.L. Camden.
Mr. Don Hannon and family, Alfred Cooper, and Sara Cooper enjoyed a delightful fishing trip on June 30.
Mrs. Priscilla Bruce and children, Mrs. Nellie Barnette, and Pvt. C.J. Everette motored to River Falls Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Harold Smith's father, Mr. J.A. Smith, of Greer, was a visitor of his son recently.
Employees of the first shift in No. 1 are glad to have Mr. G.A. Thrift join them as a loom fixer.
Mrs. Ethel Bryant is all smiles since the return of her son-in-law, Cpl. Alvin Rice. Cpl. Rice has been serving in the European theater of war, and formerly was employed at this plant.
Mrs. Perry M. Rampey motored to the mountains Sunday and had a delightful trip.
Everyone is glad to see Mrs. Evelyn Dockery back at work. Evelyn has been out for some time due to illness.
Mrs. Eugene Cody and son, Bobby, spent last week with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Cody, at Cleveland, S.C.
Miss Janie Cody spent July 4 with her mother at Cleveland.
Mr. Ruford McClain enjoyed the weekend fishing at Table Rock.
Miss Robbie Leatherwood visited her home back in Good Old Newport, Tenn. She was accompanied by Leon McCall and J.B. Smith. They all had a wonderful time.
Mr. Tom Shelton will have his own little home before long, and we wish him lots of good luck.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hembree visited her brother in Ga. recently.
Weave Room employees regret the departure of J.B. Smith, who left on July 20th to enter service. May God bless him and protect him from harm.
[Column 4]
Many Activites
(Con't from page 1, col. 5)
The Intermediate Troop met Monday and made plans for their other meetings. Mrs. Lillian Cleveland is going to teach them to sew. Last Tuesday the Senior Troop met at the tennis court and after two sets of tennis, Misses Bishop and Pollard carried them to Wilkins Mill for swimming. Mrs. Cleveland was a visitor on this occasion. On Wednesday, the Brownie Troop met at Slater Hall and later enjoyed a hike and picnic lunch.
The recreational directors urge that all persons interested in tennis get in touch with them and arrange practice games, so that a tennis tournament for Slater can be arranged later in the summer. A schedule is being worked out whereby supervised tennis and table-tennis will be available each morning for young people and adults.
Another community party was enjoyed by a large group Thursday night, July 12, at Slater Hall. The party opened with three Movie Community Singing reels. After the singing, the children adjourned to the playground and played games supervised by Miss Bishop and Mrs. Reid. Indoors, the adults enjoyed such games as checkers, darts, Chinese checkers, jig-saw puzzles, brain teasers, and table-tennis.
It is hoped that the people of the community will tell the directors what they would like to do in the entertainment field, so that plans for a better program can be arranged for all who are interested.
When we can no longer blame things on liquor or war's reaction, we may begin to suspect that human nature itself is a little faulty.
16 MM. Shows
(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
"Cuckoo Murder Case" - a cartoon comedy.
Other film programs of this type will be given at frequent intervals during the summer. The auditorium at Slater Hall will accommodate all those wishing to attend these pictures, and it is hoped that our people will take advantage of seeing them since they are not only informative, but entertaining as well.
Our children have an opportunity to see most of these pictures each Tuesday morning and for this reason, children under 12 years of age are to be admitted to the night programs only if they are accompanied by their parents.
I know that when
I do not yield to sin;
When I just wait
And don't retaliate,
Nor in anger shout,
But simply think it out,
Fight with His tools,
Break none of His Rules-
The Thing that was
Is no more;
And God is closer
Than He was e'er before.
Mary Earle Lowry Curry
Travelers Rest, S. C.
[Black and white drawing of a dog moving away from a skunk.]
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