



Status: Complete


1. Look on ourselves as so-
journers in this world.
2. Should not have our
affections, too strongly
set on this world.
Why should this earth delight
3. We must not calculate
too strongly, on the contin-
uance of our friends with
us. ―
4. Contemplate a future ex-
istance. ―
5. To set our affections on
heavenly things.
6. Then let us be recon-
ciled to the removal of
our friends. ―
7 Let all be prepared to
meet it. ―

Prov. 27:1.

A wise provision, that we
do not know the future


Ps. 23:4. Yea, though xc.
Called a Ps. of David; but
it proves to be a Ps. of the
saints, for it expresses the
language of good people
in a comfortable state of
mind. see vs 1-4.
The relation; My S―
Th Sh.'s care. Maketh me xc. Leadeth
― Restoreth ― Leadeth ― in paths
Confidence; Not want ―
v.4. ―
Danger apprehended.
Though I walk xc. When
are people in the Shadow
of death?
When sick. Job. 33:19-22.
When old ― Gen. 47:28,29.
When dieing ―
--- ---- ----- ---- ---- -------------- -----------------------------
Death is no evil, to the
saints. For
1. It is but a shadow. 1 Cor. 15:56.
2. A valey. Prov. 14:32. - hope -
3. Walk. Prov. 14:32. Wicked driven -
4. Through, they will get. Not per-
ish in the valey ―

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