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{label} Polk B1-f4
Jackson Ten May 5th 1841
His Ex James K Polk
Dear Sir
Some time past I notified
you that a murder had been committed in the
courts if Madison by a man by the name of
Stuart, upon the body of a man by the name
Bird and suggested the offering a (?)
by proclamation. At (?) present (?) the
grand jury have found a "(?) bill" against
Stuart and one Richard Baily for the murder of
Bird. By (?) to my former letter (the
date which I have forgotten). You will
find the christian names of the murderer and
also of the deceased, together with a description
of Stuart, who has fled. There is no doubt of
his convition if apprehended. The friends of
the deceased are very poor and unable to
do anything towards the apprehension of Stuart
J N Talbot
Attn Gen for 10th circuit

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