Madisonville. May 16th 1841
His Excellecy James K Polk,
For some time past I have
been performing my official duties as Judge of the
second judical circuit, in great pain and incon-
venience to myself. I am now confined to my bed in
Madisonville, and the probability is, will not be able
to hold the next count in my circuit. It therefore
becomes my duty, pursuant to the provisions of the 3rd [illegible]
of the Act of 1835 Ch 68 to certify to your Excellency, which
I now do, that owing to sickness, and other physical
disabilities I am unable to attend and hold the courts
in my circuit commensing at Maryville in Blount
County on the 4th Monday of May 1841. It is desired that
a special Judge be appointed to hold said courts until
I shall be in a condition to hold said courts until
I shall be in a condition to attend to the duties of
my office. I deem it proper further to state that
it may be neccessary to appoint some one not resident
in my circuit, [illegible] the fact that the [illegible] there
of competent law knowledge are generally retained
in the cases to be tried, and would be incompetent
to preside as Judges. I will, therefore, respectfully
suggest that a commission be forwarded to [illegible]
Jarnigan Esqr, who I am informed will be at
Maryville. If appointed the commission may be
(directed?) to him at Maryville where it is hoped it
will arrive before it will be necessary for the clerk
to adjourn the court.
I am, with high respect,
Your Obt. Servant,
Edw. Scott {signature}
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