Sacramento, November 22nd, 1857
The Congregation met at the synagogue &
opened by calling Mr. Alexander Meyer to
the chair and S. Hoffman to act as Secretary.
The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
The Committee, who was appointed at the last
meeting for the purpose of drawing up a suitable
form of rules & regulations as to the duties for
the next Chazzan, Shochat, & Teacher
submitted the following report which was on motion
received, adopted & ordered to be spread
on record.
To the Hebrew Congregation
Mr. President!
Your Committee appointed to define
the duties Chazzan of this Congr. beg leave to submit
the following Report:
1.) At the time & in the manner as prescribed
by the Constitution & bylaws of this congregation
there shall be held the election of a qualified
person as Chazzan, Shochat, Teacher & Collector
who so far as the first two offices is concerned
shall be learned in & fully conversant with
the laws & requirements of the Hebrew religion
& shall perform all duties & service usually
connected therewith & appertaining thereto.
2.) The said election shall be decided
by a majority of all the votes cast.
3) Said officer shall also be qualified
for tuition in the Hebrew language and in the
principles of the Hebrew religion & history
4.) He shall teach all the children of this comunity
belonging to the Jewish faith on the subjects
mentioned in the proceeding section at
least for 4 hours daily alternate.
5) Said officer shall not be allowed
to absent himself from this city without
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