Sacramento, October 11th, 1868
A regular meeting of the congregation
B'nai Israel was held.
L. Elkus presiding.
Minutes of previous meeting was read
and approved.
The minutes of officers meeting held
Sept. 27th was read and on motion
laid on the table.
The semi-annual report of secty
was read, received and placed on file.
The committee on building reported
A motion was made and carried that
the rules which require an applicant
for membership to pay 5.00 admission
fee be suspended until the 1st day
of January 1869.
The following named gentlemen were
proposed to become members of this
congregation and were severally elected.
R. Banner
M. Looray [Loorya?] proposed by A. Hyman
A. Hamburger " " G. Haines
S. Cooney " " M. Wilson
M. Silberstein " " B. Dennery
H. [Hayman??] " " P. Franklin
A communication was read from M. Silberstein
stating that this congregation is indebted to him
in the sum of 120.00.
On motion the settlement of same
was referred to the president.
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